Breaking down the core principles of quality management
Quality assurance
In the case of a manufacturer or retailer, the core of quality assurance is the product itself: it must meet the quality requirements and specifications demanded by the customer. Companies should only release a product if these specifications have been fulfilled. This is no different for a service provider, such as online streaming, in that customers still expect the experience to run smoothly.
Quality management
In order to fulfil the customer requirements at every stage of quality management – i.e. development, marketing, and logistics – several processes must be adopted to ensure the same quality is maintained throughout the company. These include customer-orientated processes, support processes, and control processes.
Constant improvement
A company must always seek to think up new ways for products or services to be continuously improved. This shows the customer that the company is evolving and encourages employees to adapt to new targets and embrace fresh opportunities.
Decision making based on evidence
By definition, quality management means that no decision is ever made on a whim. Important decisions should only be made after careful analytical planning and evaluation, and where everyone has had their say. Work with facts, not fantasy.
Handling relationship management
A flawless relationship with suppliers and retailers is of the utmost importance when it comes to achieving a sustainable and mutually beneficial business practice. Every business should see this as a big part of quality management and seek to make the supply chain process as seamless as possible.
Leading by example
Leaders are only as strong as the people they lead. Encourage employees at every level to hone their skills and maintain consistency. Management teams must strive to create a company culture that is prosperous and empowering to ensure that quality never dips, but instead continues to improve.
How businesses can employ quality management sustainably
Companies must provide dedicated programs towards quality management with written strategies and routine training sessions for all employees. It’s also necessary to provide a goal and timetable for these strategies and push for customer feedback to know what’s working and what’s not.
- Maintaining consistently high quality for all products and processes
- Involving all employees, customers, and suppliers to ensure an all-round effort
- Encouraging cross-departmental communication so that everyone is on the same page
- Ensuring the needs and requirements of customers are met and satisfied
- Always seeking to improve sales methods, production techniques, employee wellbeing, and overall growth
- Seeing that no time or resource is ever squandered
- Continuing to nurture business relationships and expand operations
- Taking the proper time and care to make business decisions for the future based on tangible, reliable data
- Ensuring that everyone who uses a product or service has a positive and satisfying experience
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Quality assurance and quality management at edding
Learn more about how companies check for potential issues before they arise and how the overall management of quality is maintained throughout the business. A company should always have the final word on each and every product or service and ensure that everything with its name on the side is as good as it can be.
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