School and desk

DIY ideas for school and studying

Check out our fun DIY ideas for school and your desk at home. You can copy them in next to no time using the simplest of materials: bookmarks made from paper clips, a notepad jazzed up with a cool design, and lots more. We’ve even got some lovely ideas for those just starting out in school. For example, in Germany it's traditional for children on their first day at school to be given a cone filled with small gifts and sweets to take to school. And, naturally, the best type of cone is one that’s been made by hand. Use our edding products to transform a school cone into a memorable gift.

Creative paper lunch bag designs

Creative paper lunch bag designs

Packed lunches have never looked so good!

This lovingly-designed paper lunch bag will have you longing for lunchtime. Whether in the office, on a building site or on an outing, a…

The delights of doodling!

The delights of doodling!

Banish boredom: use colour and creativity for notes and reminders

We’ve all been there: you’re at a tedious meeting or presentation and find yourself reaching for a pen to doodle away the time – sometimes…

Flower-power pencil case

Flower-power pencil case

For a brighter start to the school day

Whether you’re at school or doing your homework, this bright and colourful pencil case is guaranteed to put a smile on your face. The fun…

New-look journal cover

New-look journal cover

Create a unique design in next to no time!

From your trainers to your rucksack or tablet cover, edding X multi markers are great for adding a touch of personal style that’ll really…

No more mix-ups!

No more mix-ups!

Clearly label your wet-weather gear

A really handy way to make sure your child returns home from nursery, school or sports practice with all their rightful belongings is to…

Everything neat and tidy

Everything neat and tidy

Keep track of what’s where in your craft room

It’s a problem encountered by all creative types and avid crafters: it doesn’t take long to accumulate an impressive collection of…

Creative containers

Creative containers

Mini organiser boxes that are really neat!

Small plastic boxes are an incredibly practical way of storing stationery and other items in an orderly manner, allowing you to keep your…

Desk organiser

Desk organiser

A pastel look to keep you smiling

Desk organisers and pen holders in uplifting pastel shades add colour to your working day. And if you make your own organisers from empty…

Uplifting pastels

Uplifting pastels

Creative ideas with pastels bearing the Blue Angel ecolabel

Pastel colours boost our mood and add fun and variety to our day-to-day lives. Highlighters in pastel shades are an awesome addition to the…

Practical and sustainable!

Practical and sustainable!

Upcycling idea for a DIY charging station

This upcycling idea is incredibly practical and sustainable at the same time. We’ve all been there – the socket is up on the wall but…

Everything in its place

Everything in its place

An easy way to keep things neat and tidy

We’ve all been there: bits and bobs pile up in drawers, cupboards or on the table – but they don’t actually belong there. Although it’s a…

DIY memo holder

DIY memo holder

Make your own unicorn memo board

When there's homework to be done, this mini craft idea will cheer you up in next to no time. It couldn’t be easier: these little unicorn…

DIY ice cream garland

DIY ice cream garland

Make back-to-school more fun

A to-do list is more than just practical – it can also be incredibly creative and even environmentally-friendly all at the same time! This…

Memo chalkboard display

Memo chalkboard display

Never forget a date again!

Make working from home a little more fun with a snazzy chalkboard for your office wall. Customised in bright colours, it makes a great memo…

Design a colourful pen holder

Design a colourful pen holder

Let your imagination run wild and add colour to your desk

It’s back to school at last! But let’s not forget that home learning doesn’t stop here – whether it’s homework, preparing presentations or…

Personalise your index card box

Personalise your index card box

Colours make learning more fun!

Even though the holidays are now over, learning at home still continues – whether it’s homework, preparing a presentation or online video…

Brighten up folders with fun colours

Brighten up folders with fun colours

Make learning more fun!

Even the nicest of holidays eventually come to an end. It’s then time to start studying again. Learning materials can sometimes be rather…

DIY paper pencil holder

DIY paper pencil holder

Make your own pen pot for a work desk

Add a little extra fun to your working day and brighten up your desk at the same time with some colourful handmade accessories. These pen…

DIY galactic travel mugs

DIY galactic travel mugs

Design your new favourite travel mug

An insulated cup is a great way to get your daily caffeine fix when you’re on the move, and at the same time it’s incredibly practical and…

Paper clip bookmarks

Paper clip bookmarks

Page markers in colourful pastels

Sometimes, you only need a few odds and ends to craft the cutest creations. Here’s a fun idea: tiny bookmarks made out of paper clips.…

Timetable decoration

Timetable decoration

Put an end to boring-looking school timetables!

Add pastel power to your school routine and have fun designing! The popular edding 1200 colour pen range now features pastel colours for the…

DIY envelope

DIY envelope

Making your own envelopes couldn’t be easier

It’s always a pleasure to receive a hand-written letter or greetings card through the post, even in these times of social media. Just one…

Cute pen pots

Cute pen pots

Pencil holder ideas for inspiration at work

Unique, handmade accessories add a cheerful touch to any desk and help to create an inspirational workspace. This cute pencil holder, with…

Decorate notebooks

Decorate notebooks

Pimp up your notepad with edding

Fancy the idea of a personalised notepad? If so, simply reach for an edding 1200 colour pen and decorate the cover with your very own…

DIY charging station

DIY charging station

Manage your cables with this handy organiser

Say goodbye to tangled cables! Now you can finally put an end to the annoyance of having to search for the right charging cable. This…

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