The edding 24 EcoLine highlighter
Now also in pastel colours!
Welcome to the family: In addition to the existing five neon colours of the edding 24 EcoLine highlighter - that was the first to be awarded the "Blue Angel" eco-label in 2018 – are now five new pastel colours variations.
Anyone trying to find new ways of looking after the environment will often find that the solutions come from nature itself. Here at edding, we’ve worked hard to develop the most eco-friendly product in its category. The result is our edding 24 EcoLine highlighter series, made predominantly from renewable resources such as sugar cane. We’ve been rewarded for our efforts as we have now been awarded the Blue Angel ecolabel – a first for highlighters everywhere!
Holders of the Blue Angel, Germany’s leading ecolabel for products and services, have every reason to feel proud as it is only awarded to manufacturers who genuinely care deeply about protecting resources, the environment and health.
Continuing excellence!
The EcoLine range does not stop excelling! In December 2022, our EcoLine scored another success: The award of the German Sustainability Award Design 2023.
The German Sustainability Award Design is Germany's award for sustainable design. It honours the best solutions in all areas. By design, we mean not only the design of physical products, but the development of all conceivable products, systems or services. Ideally, development begins with the question of how the result can achieve the greatest possible positive impact for sustainability; design and implementation are guided by this.
Back in 2020, the EcoLine was awarded the Bundespreis ecodesign, which has been awarded annually since 2012 by the Federal Ministry for the Environment and the Federal Environment Agency in cooperation with the International Design Center Berlin.
EcoLine series - climate-neutral with the help of offsetting.
Since the beginning of 2020, EcoLine products have been available with the Climate Partner seal. This seal shows that the greenhouse gas emissions of the EcoLine are offset with the help of compensation. The production of the sustainable series in Bautzen, Saxony, is ISO 50001 and ISO 14001 certified which stands for an energy-efficient and environmentally friendly production process. The use of recycled materials and renewable raw materials, as well as production with modern, energy-efficient machines ensures the conservation of resources and energy efficiency, and CO2e emissions have been reduced as much as possible in recent years. The emissions that we are currently unable to further minimize ourselves are offset by compensation payments. We are currently supporting the expansion of renewable energy generation in Asia as an offsetting project. Further information on the project and the offset greenhouse gas emissions can be found here :
Offsetting supports SDGs 7 (Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all), 8 (Decent work and economic growth) and 13 (Climate action)
The green EcoLine range just got greener!
For the fifth time in succession, the edding EcoLine range has been honoured a "Green Brand" by the international brand marketing organisation GREEN BRANDS, which awarded it a four-star seal of approval. The award acknowledges the brand’s commitment to climate-protection, sustainability and environmental responsibility.
GREEN BRANDS run environmentally-friendly production processes and consistently demonstrate shared responsibility towards the protection of natural resources. In addition, they are highly committed to sustainability, preserving the natural environment and safeguarding the balance of nature.
Making new things from old. With post-consumer recycling.
Thanks to continuous research and development, we are now successfully using post-consumer recycled material in our products. This means that empty yoghurt pots, old watering cans and discarded plastic buckets can be turned into new raw materials for use in the products we make. Post-consumer plastics are obtained from plastic waste recovered from households or industry, for example.
The permanent, whiteboard and flipchart markers in our EcoLine range are made from 83% post-consumer plastics – which means they are made from 90% recycled material in total. As well as using sustainable materials, edding is also reducing its production of virgin material.
Environmental awareness. Even in the office!
Market research shows that over 80% of consumers place great importance on companies dealing with raw materials responsibly. That’s exactly what we think. When it comes to protecting resources and preserving our environment, our edding EcoLine in particular shows how we want to be visionaries in the truest sense of the word. That’s why we are always consistent in our use of recycled materials and renewable resources for the EcoLine range.
We can’t change the world overnight, but we strongly believe that our day-to-day work is just one way of making an active contribution, however small, to a sustainable way of thinking in keeping with our times.
Green all over. Even the packaging!
The concept of using raw materials responsibly is put into practice at every stage of our operations – from production right through to the finished markers and the consistent use of sustainably designed packaging, which is totally plastic-free. All EcoLine sales packaging is 100% cardboard, including sets and blister packs.
For the sake of the environment, we’re saving 126 tonnes of CO2!
Thanks to edding's sustainable use of post-consumer plastics, we're recycling plastic waste and significantly reducing our production of new material, thereby saving up to 126 tonnes of carbon emissions every year!
This amount of CO2 would be enough for a car to travel around the world 15 times!