Decorative cake topper
Happy Birthday in bright colours
With such a fantastically decorated cake, you won’t just bring a smile to the faces of birthday boys and girls - adults will also be…

Funny animal face masks
A wonderful pastime for kids
These cute animal face masks are a great craft idea that will keep children entertained during long afternoons at home, or even as a group…

Puzzle fun for your little ones
Colour, cut, complete: make your own easy puzzle
Young or old, everyone’s into puzzles these days. It’s really fun putting together a picture piece by piece, and you always feel so proud…

Teepee birthday invitations
The perfect invite to a Little Indian party
If you’ve decided on an American Indian theme for your next children’s birthday party and you’re searching for a suitable invitation card,…

Cheery hand-painted mugs
Cute-looking mugs for guaranteed party fun
A child’s birthday is the highlight of their year, and the big day usually can’t come around soon enough. To make it special and memorable…

Decorate your own bunting
Fabric bunting ideas – for birthdays, weddings and special occasions
Next time you’re holding a party, why not design your own bunting? It’s so simple, and your guests are bound to be impressed! Our textile…
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