
Design your own lettering artwork

Learn hand lettering and put your favourite sayings centre-stage by playing with different lettering techniques

Hand lettering can help you playfully give cards, invitations or wall pictures an expressive, personal touch by emphasising individual letters in a graphical way. Whether uppercase or lowercase, shading, embellishments or stars – there are no limits to your imagination! To ensure your lettering looks like a genuine piece of art, we recommend that you write or draw all the pieces of text, decorations and symbols individually on pieces of translucent paper before bringing them all together in a harmonious design. This will allow you to have fun playing around with the layout of your text and trying various lettering techniques, such as creating a heart-shaped romantic saying or adding an image motif.

Hand lettering
Fibre and felt pens
Paper, carton and cardboard
Easy peasy
Images (ZIP)


Products and materials

Other materials

  • Vellum translucent paper from an art shop
  • Scissors
  • White paper for the background


Additional images

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