
One Line Artworks

Abstract motifs using line art

Right now, drawings and pictures created using the one line art technique are really popular. The designs are drawn or painted in a single line. For these beautiful works of art, we combined abstract blocks of colour with subtle motifs. You can achieve all this with the help of our acrylic markers and the 3D double liner, a tube with two different-sized dispensers. The edding 5000 acrylic marker has a broad chisel nib, allowing you to paint bright areas of colour. Once the ink has dried thoroughly, embellish your picture by line drawing delicate blossoms. Placed alongside each other, the works of art will create a fabulous feature in your home.

How to paint with acrylics
Acrylic range
Paper, carton and cardboard
A bit more challenging
Images (ZIP)


Products and materials

Other materials

  • Pencil
  • Eraser (if needed)

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