Journal March: garden planner

How to keep track of your perfect garden

Spring is in the air at last, and it’s getting a little warmer outside. For many of us, this is the start of the nicest time of the year – the gardening season. From now on, there’s nothing to stop keen gardeners from heading outdoors to tend their patch, however small it may be. To make sure all your flowers bloom at the right time and that there’ll be plenty of vegetables to harvest during the summer, it’s a good idea to plan exactly what you’re going to plant out, and when. Creating a garden planner in your journal can be really helpful for this. It lets you keep track of everything, such as the best time to sow tomato seeds, or which day you should be planting tulip bulbs. Your garden planner will make sure that nothing is forgotten, and you can tick off every task as you go along. Striking hand lettering, together with tiny drawings and doodles, can make your garden planner really eye-catching and a pleasure to look at every time you open it. With 69 carefully co-ordinated pens in an array of options, the Colour Happy Big Box by edding gives you the perfect selection of colours and pen types at your fingertips to unleash your creativity. You can give each page a unique layout and, at the same time, enjoy expressing your creative side.

Fibre and felt pens
Paper, carton and cardboard
Easy peasy
Images (ZIP)


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Other materials

  • Journal or blank notebook
  • Templates (available from us) 
  • Pencil

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